Turn leftover black beans and rice into breakfast treat
Let’s face it. We all face those miserly moments when faced with leftovers brought to the kitchen from the dinner table when we scrape and package leftover side dishes and main dishes into tupperware containers and place them into the fridge, vowing to finish them another day or find another use for them.
But most of the time, unless it’s pork, chicken or beef that can be re-purposed into something else, the leftovers often get shoved into the back of the refrigerator on subsequent days. Literally, they never see the light of day again until some foul stench seeping from somewhere in the fridge leads us to investigate. And then we discover potatoes, rice, whatever, growing some fuzzy mold that makes you hold your breath, run to the sink and hastily empty it and rinse it down the drain, with garbage disposal running full bore to gobble up the mess and take it away.
Thus, recently I vowed not do do the same with some black beans and Mexican that was left over from a dinner of albacore enchiladas.
So the next day I decided to beat four eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper, and then the leftover rice and beans and mixed. I melted some butter in a skillet and added the mixture and made soft-scrambled eggs and served them on top of a ring of ripe tomatoes and avocados and topped it off with a few pieces of cilantro.
Charles and mom were impressed, and judging by their second helpings and the empty platter left on the dinner table, my guilt was assuaged.
The next time you have leftover roasted potatoes, or boiled potatoes, or rice, beans, roasted vegetables, think about turning them into a scramble for breakfast as a way to use them up. You’d be surprised of how tasty these leftover scrambles can be.
– Vic
Category: Brunch/Breakfast

About the Author (Author Profile)
Victor Panichkul is a journalist and writer by training; a cook, wine lover and photographer by passion; and a lover of the outdoors since moving to Oregon more than 10 years ago. He is a native of Bangkok, Thailand.
Sounds scrumptious