A Scrumptious Experience at the 2011 Oregon Cheese Festival

Charles | April 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

If you love cheese, especially cheese lovingly made in small batches by artisan cheese makers, what could be more rewarding than going to a party where many such artisans have gathered to celebrate and offer up tastes of their love? Friend Steve Martin joined me on Saturday, March 19, for a scenic drive to Central Point, Oregon, for the 2011 Oregon Cheese Festival where we thoroughly enjoyed the festivities and deliciously innovative cheeses.

Oregon Artisanal Cheese Box

Central Point is just a short piece up the road from Medford and is part of that alluring area of Southern Oregon that is also home to Ashland and Jacksonville. Hosting this festival was Rogue Creamery, one of Oregon’s brightest stars in the world of cheese.

The festival was housed in two tents set up much like a farmers’ market with rows of vendors showcasing their cheeses, wines, beers, confections, and even a company promoting their gourmet whitewater rafting adventures. Even Harry and David, Oregon’s quintessential mail-order fruit and gourmet food basket purveyors, were in attendance.

Enjoy the following slide show of the delicious festivities, vendors and participants. (Click once on the square in the center of the photo to see full image.)

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Category: Event

About the Author (Author Profile)

Music, food and photography are at the center of Charles’ life. He performed with the Dallas Symphony, Dallas Opera and was assistant principal bassoonist with the Fort Worth Symphony for more than 20 years. When Charles and Victor moved to Baltimore, Charles created Lone Star Personal Chef and Catering Service and taught cooking classes at Williams-Sonoma. Now in Salem, Charles is a Realtor with Coldwell Banker Mountain West Real Estate, taught cooking classes for children at the A.C. Gilbert Discovery Village, and owns and operates Charles Price Photography. Charles and Vic enjoy entertaining and frequently host dinners as fundraisers for local non-profits and charities

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