Salmon Chanted Omelette — with Alaskan Sockeye Gravlax and Cream Cheese
Gravlax, capers, shallots and cream cheese. It’s a classic topping for bagels and crackers, but what about eggs? Why not?
The next time you’ve got company or are craving something a little different for breakfast, try making an omelette with some chopped shallots and chives in the beaten egg, and stuff the omelette with gravlax, cream cheese and capers. Yummy! Salmon from Alaska is in season right now so it’s very affordable to make your own gravlax. For a recipe click here.
Omelettes are so versatile. I’ve stuffed them with tater tots and sausage; tomatoes, bell peppers, bacon and cheese; crab and cocktail sauce; roasted peppers and beans. Heck. Be brave. Dream it up and just stuff it in an omelette and try it out. You may be surprised where your imagination leads your tastebuds!
Salmon Chanted Omelette
- Eggs, as many as you wish
- 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml.) finely chopped shallots
- 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml.) finely chopped chives
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 3 tablespoons (45 ml.) cream cheese per omelette
- 4 strips of gravlax per omelette
- 1 teaspoon (5 ml.) capers per omelette
- In a bowl, beat together eggs, salt and pepper, chives and shallots.
- Cook omelettes over medium-high heat in a non-stick pan with some oil.
- Turn omelettes onto plates and stuff with cream cheese, gravlax and capers, then roll omelettes into a roll.
— Vic
Category: Brunch/Breakfast, Eggs

About the Author (Author Profile)
Victor Panichkul is a journalist and writer by training; a cook, wine lover and photographer by passion; and a lover of the outdoors since moving to Oregon more than 10 years ago. He is a native of Bangkok, Thailand.
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